Brought out Harry and Tony on this cloudy but nice day. We only had a slight drizzle half of the day which didn't bother us at all. Tony and Harry put over 20 smallmouth bass in the boat with a bunch that got off early in the day, including some nice ones. The biggest went to Tony at about 17" give or take and it went a good 2.5lbs, maybe a bit heavier. I had a great time out there guiding them today and they enjoyed their trip a bunch and gave me a thumbs up for a job well done. Thanks guys it's not hard to do your best when something is your passion!
Fished a Bassbandits tournament on Duck Harbor Lake on Sunday. The fishing was tough after the front blew through the night before. The fish were short striking and not a single angler brought in a limit! Everyone complained of short striking fish including me! Fishing can be tough at times though and it comes with the territory. My brother battled a big smallmouth for a while and lost it right next to the boat right before I was going to scoop it up in the net! He might have won with that one! I managed a 3rd place finish with 2 small bass! I love tournament fishing, it makes me try harder and think about how I can make them bite when the fish don't want to eat!
Brought Nick out to stock his freezer with some big ol panfish! We ended up putting over 50 in the boat. Nick brought home his limit of 50 including an 18" Walleye, about a 10" Bluegill, and a crappie over 13"(it weighed 1.52lbs). The average crappie weighed over 1/2lb and were biting well the entire 4hr trip! We had to deal with some stiff winds but I just used that to Nicks advantage and positioned the boat up wind of the fish! Casting with a 20-30mph wind is easy, LOL! Why fight it, right?
Brought out Ron and his Grandson Luke on Saturday afternoon. Ron and Luke had a good time catching some nice smallmouths! The numbers weren't great with only 3 smallmouths in the boat, but the fish were of decent quality. We also had at least just as many fish on that just got off. Luke was a fun kid to talk to and he was super excited getting to reel the fish in. Right before dark he got his own fish to bite and he managed to get him in the boat! It was a pleasure getting to help Ron and Luke catch a few! Pics to come!
Brought Dennis out again Saturday morning for some crappie fishing! I think we ended up with at least 50 in the boat. We had a good time out there and we didn't let the wind ruin the fishing, we just dealt with it the best we could! We also put a few 9-10" gills in the boat which are always fun to real in! We also stopped and made a few casts for bass and Dennis had on a good 16-17" largemouth. That fish ended up being a "quick release" fish(got off at the boat).
Brought out Dennis and Dave on a Smallmouth Bass fishing dusk trip in tunkhannock Friday afternoon. I think Dennis and Dave put around 10 smallies in the boat, a few were really small, and a couple decent ones made it into the boat too. Dave brought a nice one in at around 2lbs.
The Bassbandits had a tournament on Lake Winola this morning. The tournaments on Winola are always interesting because of a big slot limit. Most of the fish weighed are very small due to the 12-18" slot limit(less than 12"). I luckily managed to pull a second place finish! I surely didn't expect that! Lots of anglers reported catching loads of nice fish that they had to throw back(14-17") including me!
Went down to the river on Saturday to have a little fun since I didn't have any clients for the day. Ended up with about 20 smallies in the boat. Biggest was around 16". All in all it was a good relaxing and fun day on the river!
Brought out Pat and Paul on this cloudy but beautiful day to catch some crappie's! I think Pat and Paul put close to about 20 in the boat during their charter. Most of them were in the 9-12" range. Pat pulled in a nice perch around 12" as well. I enjoyed having a couple veterans in the boat and I am very grateful for their service! Great guys!
After their charter I went back out to catch a few for the freezer and caught about 30(kept about 20) with about 4 big perch in that total in about 2.5hrs. The bite did slow a bit from the other day but they were still biting! I found a bunch of Crappies at Lake Carey this morning. I could have easily caught over 100 if I stayed. I put 20 in the boat in about an hour and I was searching around a bunch in that hour!
AuthorMy name is Anderson Boyd, if it isn't obvious I LOVE to fish! I would love to take you out and show you how and where to catch em! Keep track of my boats fish catching through this Blog! Archives
May 2018
River level Data!
Anytime the level is above 15ft be sure you have spoken with us about your trip! |